Sindhu Reddy Donda



Why did we start this Project & Goal?

We primarily began this project as a result of our struggle to find the right career path- The career system in our country is not so good. We have to face various problems with education and jobs. We pursue education in the hopes of a better day or life ahead, but what a joke it is to remain unemployed while holding a degree. Those degrees are a total waste. So we, as youth, want career-oriented paths. Some students would have decided their next steps. Some would be applying to colleges of their choice. However, there is a vast majority of students who do not know what to do after school. Students choose a stream that they think would suit them the best for various reasons. This could be due to peer pressure, pressure from parents, lack of knowledge about the subjects, etc. Our goal is to overcome this problem through this app.

Problem Statements & Challenges

• Difficult to find a correct career path
• Misguided chosen courses
• Fraud Agency
• Planning according to grade
Insuficient intimation
• Management
• Interesting courses
• Latest courses
• Lack of sources


YESI We saved the problem through our app. Anyone can calculate their grades and get the perfect match for college courses and jobs. In a few clicks now, you can get epic results that suit you. You will get more information via articles situated in our app, where you will get the latest information on the latest courses, education-related information, etc.


Project Duration
Design Tools
Design Style
Poppins Regular
Poppins Semi-Bold
Poppins Bold
Color Pallate

User Research

User research focuses on understanding user behaviors, needs, and motivation through observation techniques, task analysis, and other forms of feedback- I have followed two research methods, i.e., qualitative and quantitative analysis.

In the Qualitative Analysis, I interviewed 12 people who are struggling to find the correct career path and a job that suits them according to their education.

In the Quantitative Analysis, I took a survey of the app from 20 people who found it reliable and easy to use.

Competitive Anaysis

We gained clarity about the user on whom we should concentrate thanks to user research and personas. We have researched several app and website related to education and job but did not find correct way to it. Students choose a stream that they think would suit them the best for various reasons. The study also helped us get more knowledge about latest courses and various fields.

Story Board

Persona : Olivia Brown

User Story/Scenario : First contact with the product and start exploring it.

User Personas

User Flow

Sketch Wireframes

Digital Wireframes